Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The UK Carbon Capture and Storage Consortium

The UK Carbon Caputre and Storage Consortium (UKCCSC) had their final meeting yesterday at the Insitution of Mechanical Engineers. Malcolm Wicks even showed up.

On the whole it was a very pleasent experience, with some mixed messages to take away:
1) By about 2100 the Southern and Artic Oceans will be so acidic (from all the CO2 dissolving in them) that any crustacians living in them will disolve.
2) The science now says that we really should be committed to an 80% reduction by 2050, with several reduction deadlines along the way.
3) China (probably amongst other nations) is feeling bullied into emission reductions and is still talking about efficiency improvements (probably for local air quality and to ease the pressure of supply) rather than CCS for large emission reductions
4) The electrical supply situation is a bit tight this week, with there only being 1GW spare on the grid. Go on there greenpeace, trip a coal fired power station and see what happens, I challenge you.

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