Friday, November 14, 2008


Kingsnorth raises passions - that's certain.

Yesterday it was revealed that Eon have pulled out of recruitement fairs nationwide after more protesters than students showed up - at least that's the theory which is bounding about. Green groups are naturally claiming victory (that's what they do best), but personally I think that it's pretty sad.

What they've really done is reduced the choice that students have - really I would be surprised if that many people did go to the stalls, and created the feeling that Eon is under attack.

That's a shame, because they are doing an awful lot of work to reduce the CO2 intensity of the electricity which they provide. Seen the "wind of change" adverts?

Wind power is never going to replace fossil - even with the proposed European super grid which could increase the stability of electric grids as the proportion of wind power within them is increased.

Fossil gives us the option of gas or coal. I've heard that gas is four times the price of coal. Which would you rather purchase?

A final argument: if Eon can't recruit they'll have a stills shortage in all areas, not just coal (they'll internally adjust) and wind will also suffer.
Why would 'green' groups do that?

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