Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Yet another pressure group

It's a new week, which means that a new pressure group has formed against coal.

Yorkshire against new coal appear to be made up of around 9 people (including the person taking the photo).

It's all very depressing. What's more depressing is the chap on the left of the photo - he looks as though he isn't ever going to accept that he is wrong. It isn't possible to negociate with him.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mark

Thanks for the link to the YANC story. We are all entitled to an opinion, but when your argument is based purely on making derogatory comments of sombody that you do not know or have not met and is based purely on a photograph, I think it seriously flaws not only your own credibility but also your own arguments. Would this thought process be acceptable within yourt PhD research?

People in the UK are allowed to peacefully protest and let their voices be heard - done the right way, as YANC have done, it raises the level of intellectual debate.

The person that you criticise is actually a charming fellow, not least because he would not stoop to using condescending tactics based upon an individual's opinion and viewpoint. No, I'm not the person you are referring to.

YANC as you say is a pressure group made up of concerend individuals and opposes new coal developments. Our reason? Coal is the most carbon intense of all the fossil fuels. In the face of climate chnage, we now need to swich to a low carbon economy. Until Carbon Capture, transport and storgae can be proved to work, we don't believe it is acceptable to develop new coal technology. Even government and industry suspect this is many years, possibly decades away. in terms of power generation, new is not clean; new is not even efficient. There is no credible basis for naming anything at the moment as clean coal technology. However, the UK is well placed to be a world leader in clean energy technologies; if the government instead opts into an outdated,inefficient and polluting method of producing electricity from coal, it signals to the rest of the world that coal is acceptable in the fight against climate change - this is a paradox that should not and cannot be allowed to happen.

Mark said...

Hi anonymous

I'm sure you're right about your friend being a great lad.
I didn't mean to direct my comments at him in particular, rather at the mindset that seems to accompany these pressure groups as they pop up day after day after day.
I'm sorry if I caused offence - human nature I guess to lash out at something on a blog which I genuinely didn't expect anyone (except myself) to read.

I've got to disagree with your comments below - but I suspect that you knew that anyway!

Also, as an aside I was stunned to see that James Hansen say we can keep coal fired power stations with CCS until 2030!
That's the latest date, by some 10 years, that I've seen. Everywhere else (including inside the industry) we're all talking about technology required / ready by 2020, if not sooner (as in quite probably the case for Kingsnorth if it gets planning permission).

This is why I can't see how your argument stands up.