Thursday, September 11, 2008

The kingsnorth six

Well, apparently it's now legal to disrupt electricity generation, provided ofcourse it emits CO2 - and you believe that by stopping it you will save the planet.

Okay - well if that works for power stations, how about cars?

If I were to go around letting down all the tyres on every car that I found (and obviously putting a big sign on it saying so) I would walk free, right? After all they're machines that cause global warming.
Well obviously it doesn't stop there - probably 80% of our trains, all our shipping, all our aircraft, every gas single central heating system will stop.
Ofcourse with 80% of the UKs electricity system being switched off there won't be enough electricity to go around - which should account for everything else being turned off.

Greenpeace have succeeded - it is now legal to shut down the UK.

I remember (just) a Sun headline "will the last person left please turn off the lights?". Not true anymore. We're all still here, and they're being turned off.

I'm upset.

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