Sunday, August 10, 2008

Presidential electoral pledges

With the candidates for the presidency announcing their energy policies I thought that I might take a quick peek.

What surprised me was what Mr. Obama was proposing - an 80% reduction in America's CO2 emissions by 2050.


What surprised me more is that McCain is also talking about reductions - and this time with interim targets. He's only talking about 60% by 2050. All the same, the extra interim targets could make this the better plan - which makes a bigger difference to global warming (imagine if all of Obama's 80% reduction came in 2049...).

He's also talking about investing in CCS, electric vehicles and smart meters.

Now, I suspect that Obama would do the same thing - he's just not yet published enough details for us to work out the details.

So, in summary, if either the Democrats or Republicans get into the White House, and keep their promises, the world could become a very different place.

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