Monday, July 7, 2008

The world in 2050

...will be a very different place.

However different people are constantly working out what it will look like. A projection (updated last week) from PWC suggests that it won't be that bad a place, which is nice.

They conclude that the emission reductions (both for G7 and E7 nations, Russia is part of E7 for this analysis) can be met by a 2% global reduction in GDP - i.e. the global GDP would be the same in 2051 as it would otherwise had been (with no emissions reductions) in 2050.

PWC say that this can be done with "increased energy efficiency, greater use of renewables and nuclear power, carbon capture and storage and other low carbon technologies and techniques, as well as reducing deforestation".
Makes sense.

What is interesting (apart from the confirmation of CCS) is that Greenpeace UK link to this report saying that stopping climate change is affordable.

Yet they stand against nuclear and CCS.

I don't understand.

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