Friday, July 4, 2008

The price of carbon

As I'm sure your aware carbon dioxide has a price - set of course by the EU emissions trading scheme (EU ETS).
It's this emissions trading scheme which I hope will one day be able to financially support carbon capture and storage (CCS) - simplistically if the price of carbon rises above the price to run a CCS plant money can be made by capturing carbon.

It was with interest, therefore, that I noticed that the EU may have agreed a formula for including aviation within the scheme.
Aviation, of course, has the potential to become a large emissions sector and as such could have a very large impact upon the price of carbon.
Non domestic aviation is equally important (if not more so - since it covers more distance) and including travel from North America is important.
It is a political hot potato.
According to point carbon the EU may have found a way of saving the americans some face.
This could tie in quite nicely with longleaf power station.

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