Monday, March 23, 2009

Coal good, kingsnorth bad

What really gets my goat is the way that "environmental" pressure groups randomly pick on their subject - what they will campaign for, or against.

Take for example heathrow - runways don't emit, nor do they enable extra flights (it's all about planes and economics) - yet they're campaigning against the runway.

Kingsnorth gets it in the neck because that could actually save the world - yet the underground gasification plant to be built in Fife has been ignored - even though that will generate emissions that cannot be sequestered.
So has the Hatfield gasification plant.

It takes the piss.

Coal seems to be good, whilst Kingsnorth is bad. Who are these people who are leading the campaign? I've almost given up blogging because I think they have won and I don't believe we will see our old power stations replaced with more efficient modern ones.

It's really depressing.

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