Wednesday, January 21, 2009

RWE freezes new coal investment inside of EU

Power Engineering is reporting that RWE will not build any new coal fired power stations in western europe.

This is big news.

"A result of full auctioning of CO2 rights from 2013 RWE will suspend large scale coal or lignite power plant projects in western European countries such as Germany and the UK".

Power stations that have begun construction will be finished - and new ones might be re-started once the price of electricity rises to sufficient levels.

My understanding is that this cancels Blyth and Tilbury. I might be wrong.

I thought that Tilbury was entered into the UK governments CCS competion, maybe I'm wrong?

Update: The Guardian have a slightly more in depth piece, and suggest the Tilbury will go ahead. I'm not sure how far the planning for Blyth is.
This also could not affect very much - and just be RWE rattling the sabre - afterall there were ammendments going through the EU parliament on Carbon trading the other day.

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